Using one of two types of procedures, the expert plastic surgeons at American Surgical Arts can change the shape of the nose and make it more proportional to the rest of your face. This is considered a cosmetic rhinoplasty. While there may be some improvement in function, the primary changes will be externally seen.
The primary goal of functional rhinoplasty, on the other hand, is to correct structural issues that can cause difficulty breathing from one nostril or both or, in extreme cases, recurring sinus infections. In some situations, there may be a cosmetic improvement to your nose. However, the primary goal is to achieve better function and breathing.
Regardless of being a cosmetic or functional rhinoplasty, your surgeon will perform a comprehensive exam and select the best procedure to maximize the desired results while minimizing scarring and recovery.
In some situations, an external, or open rhinoplasty, is the best choice. Despite the name, the incision is small and is below the tissue that separates the nostrils. All other work during the procedure is performed behind the external tissue of the nose.
In many other cases, a closed or endonasal rhinoplasty is chosen. This procedure uses small incisions inside the nose that are not visible on the face. The endonasal procedure eliminates nearly all external scarring associated with the rhinoplasty and is selected whenever possible.
For both procedure types, recovery is relatively short and easy. For the first several weeks, you may wear a nasal splint since protecting the structure of the nose is vitally important during this time. Although physical exertion should be avoided during the first three weeks to reduce the likelihood of nasal bleeding, most people can slowly return to their normal life.
If you have difficulty breathing from one or both nostrils or would like to explore changing the appearance of your nose, contact Dr. Bidic or Br. Gundlapalli and the team at American Surgical Arts in Mullica Hill, NJ, to schedule a consultation. Contact the team at 856-362-8898 or at