Some patients who have breast augmentation surgery performed by another surgeon find that their results to match up with what they envisioned. Whether you want to change the size of your implants or choose a different material, our experienced plastic surgeons can help you achieve the look you desire.
There are several reasons why a patient may want a breast implant revision. In general, most women seek out a revision if they are unhappy with their original results or have a change in preference. There are also many patients who decide to have revision surgery to correct a complication with their original implants, such as a rupture or leak. No matter what your case may be, Dr. Sean Bidic and Dr. Vinay Gundlapalli have extensive experience and can provide a result that addresses your needs.
Exchanging Implants
One of the most popular reasons patients decide to have breast implant revision surgery is to change the type of implants they have. For example, if you have smaller saline implants, you may want to increase the size of your breasts and switch to a more natural-feeling material. In this case, Dr. Bidic or Dr. Gundlapalli can exchange your old implants for new ones based on your preferences.
Changing Implant Placement
In some cases, an implant may fall lower on the chest wall than desired or be positioned in such a way that the breasts appear asymmetrical. In either of these cases, the implants can be repositioned to a more desirable position, whether that is closer together, further apart, or higher on the chest wall.
Solving Complications
While breast implants typically last several years, there are instances where an implant may leak, deflate, or rupture. In addition, healing complications such as capsular contracture can cause the implants to feel tight or painful. Dr. Bidic and Dr. Gundlapalli can help correct these major issues in a safe, effective fashion.
Schedule Your Breast Augmentation Revision Today
If you need to revise your breast implants, call American Surgical Arts at 856-362-8898 to schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons. We are proud to serve patients living in Mullica Hill, South Jersey, and surrounding NJ communities.